Monday 28 July 2014

FEATURE: Are All Video Game Movies Bad?

Obviously, there's no real answer as it ultimately comes down to personal opinion but it's no secret most video game movie adaptations have done very poorly, and its a shame because your most beloved video game can be handed over to a director who has no idea what the game is actually about, who then makes a movie that does the game no justice what so ever. However, there are some exceptions believe or not, and so here's just a few video game movies that are actually half decent.

Silent Hill (2006)
Silent Hill manages to capture the same amount of gore and visual deformities that gamers could recognise straight from the actual video game, whilst incorporating elements from the first Silent Hill through to Silent Hill 4: The Room, making for a loosely relatable. yet gripping narrative. The movie manages to get from one point to the other but adds a gigantic dose of mystery and weird along the way, much like the game. Definitely the better adaptation, Silent Hill portrays the world, characters, themes, and monsters you know from the franchise very well, which movies such as Resident Evil failed to achieve on many different levels, but that's a completely different feature all together.

Mortal Kombat (1995)
Perhaps the cheesiest movie of all time right here, but the sheer amount of work put into it is something which should be recognised as it doesn't come across as "another lame video game movie", rather a movie that has impressive choreographed fight sequences, brilliant special effects (for the time, at least), a soundtrack that equally matches the game's atmosphere, and characters who stay true to their narratives from the game. Its narrative is largely generic and predictable, but it doesn't matter because there's enough action taking place on-screen that distracts you from the flaws. Don't bother with the Street Fighter movie, Mortal Kombat is where it's at. 

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (2005)
This is a tricky one because you ultimately have to play the game to really appreciate Advent Children, so if you plan on watching this without doing so, you're bound to be massively disappointed as a lot won't make much sense. However, as a viewer going into this having played the game once or twice, there's so much to appreciate, whether it's the impressive CGI, which is almost a preview of what a Final Fantasy VII remake would look like. The narrative isn't hugely strong, but it's engaging enough to keep you interested, especially when you get to see what the characters from the game are up to now. An incredible score accompanies some hectic, often fast-paced battle scenes, including Bahamut itself - check it out.

Unfortunately, the list for worst video adaptations massively outweighs the other - but keep in mind, no matter how good or bad a video game movie is, they seem to more than often make a gigantic amount of money at the box office, and that could be down to the novelty of it all. Whilst the Super Mario Bros. movie is truly awful, it's still weirdly enjoyable to watch because it relates to a video game we all know and love - deep down you know you'll watch practically every video game movie as long as you have an interest in the game itself. Does it mean you're going to watch the best movie ever? Absolutely not, but they're weirdly satisfying anyway.

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